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red pizza

La pizza napoletana in Oriente
Ciao and the Far Eastern side of the Neapolitan pizza 845 445 cmdo

Ciao and the Far Eastern side of the Neapolitan pizza

Being at the service of the artisans of 91 countries means knowing how to interpret in a thousand ways the cultural nuances of the word Naples. What does it mean, for example, to be a Neapolitan pizza maker in China? Let’s find out together with our two artisans and special envoys: Angelo Tramontano e Maurizio Iannicelli.

Pizza is definitely the world most eaten dish, but also the most imitated, not always with versions faithful to the Neapolitan original.

The dream held by the ‘Disciplinare’ – the Official Specifications of the True Neapolitan Pizza – is to bring the White Art of the Vesuvius all over the world, through the right techniques and ingredients.

And to tell the world about the specificities of the tomato of Naples is precisely the aim of Ciao’s travels.

So, on the occasion of the Caputo Cup in Nanjing and of FHC China, we unleashed two artisans wearing the chef jacket of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli, asking them to find out the state of the art of the pizza in the Far East.

Here is the travel diary of Maurizio Iannicelli of Pizzeria Napul’è and Angelo Tramontano of ‘O Sarracino.

What they think about the pizza in China?

“The Chinese people go crazy for Italian cuisine and especially for Neapolitan pizzas!” – tells us Maurizio Iannicelli of Pizzeria Napul’è – “Chinese pizza makers give great attention to the Neapolitan technique and to the quality of Italian products e there is a lot of passion from the enthusiasts and from simple gourmands who tend to identify the pizza with the ingredients – like Ciao tomatoes – as the only dressing for a true dish.

How is the working style of the Chinese pizza makers?

“Humble, clean, educated, with so much enthusiasm and desire to learn: this is the common portrait for the many Chinese pizza chefs we met on our trip to the Far East” – explains Angelo Tramontano of Pizzeria ‘O Sarracino – ” During the master classes we held in Nanjing, we touched with hand their great passion and the desire to get in touch with the Neapolitan culture, though also the knowledge of the specifics of the ingredients of our territory, like Ciao tomatoes.

So how would you describe the state of the (white) art in the Far East?

“APN, the many producers from Campania working on spreading the Neapolitanity, and the ‘Disciplinare’ of the true pizza are doing a lot to export the Neapolitan side of the pizza” – conclude Maurizio Iannicelli and Angelo Tramontano – “Of course, there are aspects still to refine, but thanks also to the new video technologies that bring nations closer, pizza ha restarted to speak Neapolitan in so many countries all around the of the world!

campione del mondo della Pizza Stg 2018
The world champion for the STG Pizza and the recipe for a perfect Margherita 845 445 cmdo

The world champion for the STG Pizza and the recipe for a perfect Margherita

What turns a Pizza Margherita into a pizza worthy of the podium of the Caputo Trophy? Antonio Mezzero, the world champion for the STG pizza, tell it us.
The Neapolitan pizza found its new ambassador.

His name is Antonio Mezzero and he is the winner of the 17th World Pizza maker Championship.
STG pizza is the one that follows the official specifications of the true Neapolitan pizza: a set of ten rules that guarantees worldwide that the product baked in the oven is the same as that eaten in Naples.

Precisely for this reason, the podium for the STG pizza is the most coveted by APN’s pizza makers who take part in the Caputo Trophy and is the one that designates the pizza world champion for a year!
The official specifications for the STG pizza have also precise rules that define the right ingredients to use for a true Neapolitan pizza.

In the codified recipe of Neapolitan pizza, the long tomato of Ciao’s peeled tomatoes is the master. It is no coincidence that Ciao is the official tomato of the seventeenth edition of the World Pizza Maker Championship.
The 2018 edition of the Caputo Trophy has seen as is triumpher Antonio Mezzero, 35 years old, a Neapolitan, but living in Portugal.
We asked him how to make a world champion pizza!

Here are his secrets.


What are the most important ingredients for making a successful pizza?

The recipe for a pizza at the top sees the passion in pole position. Then there are the doughs. But among the toppings, the king of taste remains the tomato! For the Portuguese people, even mozzarella comes second. The tomato is the heart of the final judgment of a dish.

What does the Portuguese tomato taste like?

Portugal enjoys high quality products, perhaps not much publicized, but a Neapolitan pizza requires the Italian tomato. Italian vegetables have a completely different flavor!

How should be the right tomato for the STG pizza?

The right product is the one that can be used in purity without adding anything: not even salt. It should not be too sweet or too sour, and should be broken with your hands. In short, the right tomato is the one that gives back the flavor of the field!

Ciao wishes so much success to the new pizza ambassador in the world and is proud to have contributed to enhance the art of the first World Champion of an Unesco Heritage!

European Pizza & Pasta Show
European Pizza & Pasta Show: The Neapolitan style of Ciao triumphs in London 845 445 cmdo

European Pizza & Pasta Show: The Neapolitan style of Ciao triumphs in London

A new journey begins to bring the true tradition of the tomatoes from Campania region to the world. This time we will be in London, where on the 15th and 16th of November we will take part in the European Pizza & Pasta Show. Let’s discover together the beauty of this new appointment for the Made in Italy. To know the news of Ciao’s world, just come to visit us at Stand 56.

The Italian style is a must in London, as you can see by looking at the reviews of the Italian restaurants on Trip Advisor, the attention given by the major international brands to the small traditional Italian realities and the opening of so many pizzerias and places where to eat Italian in the capital city of the United Kingdom.

This is why it is important to emphasize that dishes of tradition such as the Neapolitan pizza can be called as such only if they conform to their territorial technical specifications, that is if they are prepared with traditional ingredients, such as the tomatoes from the Agro Nocerino Sarnese area.

So the real meaning of our trip to London is precisely to show the difference between the tomatoes from Mount Vesuvius and all the other tomatoes.

EPPS is the right place to do it.

But what is the European Pizza & Pasta Show?

The European Pizza & Pasta Show is a great event, but also the right place where to build networking relationships with all the players of the world of the Italian food par excellence: pizza and pasta.

Manufacturers and distributors, but also craftsmen, restaurateurs, and service and equipment providers. The whole world of Italian and European food service will converge for 2 days at Olympia London to share information about the key points of the Italian gastronomic style and industry news.

The event will also host the final stage of the European Pizza Championship… a contest in which that of the Neapolitan tomato par excellence is a certain presence!

And then debates and seminars dedicated to food law, the importance of the brand, licensing and franchising.

Do you want to be part of our team?

Follow us on our Facebook fan page to find out more or visit us to discover the latest news of Ciao’s world at Stand 56.

Pizzeria Pummarò
Ciao and the specialties of Pummarò at Napoli Pizza Village 2017 845 445 cmdo

Ciao and the specialties of Pummarò at Napoli Pizza Village 2017

Attilio Albachiara is a pizza enfant prodige, like so many young Neapolitans who are hungry for life and find alternating themselves between homework and dough lessons. Following the family tradition, Attilio started to work with his father in his pizzeria when he was only 12 years old.
His motto today is: “Quality is our strength; making pizzas is our vocation”, and with the same wisdom he tells us about the next Napoli Pizza Village.

– What specialties are you going to show on the Lungomare Caracciolo waterfront?
My special pizza is a red one and it is the ‘Parmigiana’, which is a Margherita pizza dressed with eggplant parmesan.
– Which tomato you will use for your pizza?
For the Parmigiana I use the tomato puree.

– Why did you choose this pizza to represent you at NPV?
The eggplants are one of the jewels of my menu. Pummarò’s customers go crazy for them in every possible way and they can eat up to 15-20 kg of eggplants per week.
– What do you expect from the Caputo Napoli Pizza Village 2017?
This is the third time that I take part to the event and I hope that the friends who come to visit us will notice the quality and passion of our workmanship, because there is nothing that makes me happier than seeing the satisfaction of those sitting at my table.

Pizzeria 'O Sarracino
Ciao and the specialties of Pizzeria ‘O Saracino at Napoli Pizza Village 2017 845 445 cmdo

Ciao and the specialties of Pizzeria ‘O Saracino at Napoli Pizza Village 2017

Maybe not everyone knows that just over 10 years ago the Neapolitan pizza tradition was almost unknown in the Agro Nocerino Sarnese area, in the Province of Salerno. The only news that you could heard about came directly from Naples. This situation ended with the birth of Pizzeria ‘O Sarracino, which brought to Nocera Inferiore the first example of pizza patterned after the lessons of the Neapolitan school. The credit of “spreading the good word” goes all to the Tramontano brothers, owners of the pizzeria, and that will be at the Napoli Pizza Village 2017.

Pizzeria ‘O Sarracino is very young, but encompasses centuries of tradition. What is its secret?

‘O Sarracino was born in 2007, from an idea of ​​me, Angelo Tramontano, and of my brother Giuseppe. At that time, the true Neapolitan pizza was not known in the Agro Nocerino Sarnese area as it is today. ‘O Sarracino had the instinct of studying it and bringing it to Nocera, bearing in mind what I think is the perfect model, that of Michele ai Tribunali.

What parameters did you follow?

We specialized ourselves in the classic pizzas. Bearing in mind Michele’s model, we tried to reproduce the Magherita and the Marinara pizzas – the two great classics which are the pizzas par excellence – according to the rules prescribed by the TGS specifications. Until then, pizzas in Nocera were made with a long cooking – longer than a minute and a half – and had a diameter of 35 cm, while our Margherita and Marinara pizzas follow the lesson of the great masters, with a leavening of at least 8 hours, and a 60-second baking in oven. Following this method we brought the true Neapolitan pizza to our area.

You teach us that making pizzas is a pure science, but what is the secret to make this science an artwork? How will you dress your doughs?

You are absolutely right! The pizza maker can never let his guard down and must keep himself constantly up to date. For my pizzas I always choose a classic: the peeled tomatoes from Ciao Pomodori. For ten years I’ve been using this brand, a choice that I confirm for the Pizza Village, too.

And about the Pizza Village, what vibrations do you have for this edition?

This is the fifth time that I take part to the Pizza Village. I remember when we were only 20 pizzerias at the Mostra d’Oltremare exhibition center. Now this number has more than doubled and we are about 50, creating a rich contest that offers a great opportunity to compete. And numbers over the years are an indication of how these events have become of exponential importance. Each edition has been difficult for us, because we “foreigners” had to prove to be up to the level of the great Neapolitan masters. And each year, it has always been an unexpected success, and I really hope to succeed again this year, too.

Which great novelties ‘O Sarracino’ has set aside for NPV?

This year we propose a new pizza: we looked for to capture the summer flavor. I called it ‘Sorrento in your mouth’. Its characteristic is that it is seasoned with tomatoes of Sorrento that I personally make in pulp, to which we add buffalo ricotta and the very special mozzarella cheese ‘zizzona di Battipaglia’.

Pizzeria Lucignolo
Ciao and the specialties of Lucignolo at Napoli Pizza Village 2017 845 445 cmdo

Ciao and the specialties of Lucignolo at Napoli Pizza Village 2017

Pino Celio of Pizzeria Lucignolo comes from a family of pizza makers. In Celio’s home, you breathe the scent of fried pizza emerging from hot oil from the time of his grandmother, which herself was a pizza maker for passion, too.
This young artisan has already gone a long way and he can already boast a remarkable award at the Caputo Trophy, having won the first place for the ‘Pizza in Pala’ category during the 2016 edition of the Napoli Pizza Village.
And just like Lucignolo, Pinocchio’s friend who enjoys life in Toyland, Pino Celio summarizes his successes made of tradition and innovation with a motto that says it all: “Amaze, and always amaze”.
After the black pizza that made a splash during the NPV 2015 and the oven-fried pizza with Neapolitan meatballs of the 2016 edition, here is how Lucignolo tells us about his NPV 2017.
– What specialties are you going to show on the Lungomare Caracciolo waterfront?
My red proposal is a pizza marinara with Cetara anchovies and anchovy sauce.
– Which tomato you will use for your pizza marinara?
The classic peeled tomato with tomatoes from Mount Vesuvius, as prescribed by the TSG (Traditional Specialty Guaranteed) pizza specifications.

– Why did you choose this pizza to represent you at NPV?
The pizza marinara with Cetara anchovies brings together Naples and the Amalfi Coast, the places I have chosen for my two pizzerias, as I have a second pizzeria in the province of Salerno. Additionally, combining a classic recipe with anchovy sauce is part of the mix of tradition and innovation that has always been my work philosophy.
– What do you expect from the Caputo Napoli Pizza Village 2017?
This is the most important pizza festival in the world, and I hope that it will help us to make known the research and the passion behind our work as pizza makers. I hope also to win more awards, as I will compete for the Caputo Trophy.

Pizzeria Nanà
Ciao and the specialties of Pizzeria Nanà 845 445 cmdo

Ciao and the specialties of Pizzeria Nanà

A story that has the flavor of love, that of Silvio Zingarelli of Pizzeria Nanà: love for his Naples, for the dish that most represents this land and for the values of the past.
Pizzeria Nanà is a young pizzeria. After working lengthy his way up in the historical city center of Naples, Silvio Zingarelli decided to devote himself body and soul to the study of the pizza, and in 2010 he opened his own pizzeria to which he gave the name of his daughter, Nanà!
With the same passion, the pizza artisan of Via Biscardi in Poggioreale tells us about his Napoli Pizza Village.

-What specialties are you going to show on the Lungomare Caracciolo waterfront?
I have chosen two tasty varieties very different between each other: one white and one red, to please everyone! The red one will be the classic pizza Margherita, while the white one will be a novelty with ricotta and provola cheese, enriched with Neapolitan taralli.

-What kind of tomato will you use for your pizza Margherita?
The classic peeled tomato as prescribed according to the TGS pizza specifications.

-Which of the two specialties represents better the spirit of Pizzeria Nanà?
Certainly the pizza Margherita, because when we talk about pizza, the Margherita is the true love of all Neapolitans and my pizzeria has a genuine and popular heart.

-What do you expect from this 2017 edition of Caputo Napoli Pizza Village?
I hope this Pizza Village will be an even more powerful showcase, not only to let us to be known abroad, but also to give light to the neighborhood pizzerias!


Pizzeria Porzio
Ciao and the specialties of Pizzeria Porzio at Napoli Pizza Village 2017 845 445 cmdo

Ciao and the specialties of Pizzeria Porzio at Napoli Pizza Village 2017

A family history, that of Pizzeria Porzio of Enrico Porzio: a family soaked of pizza tradition, like that of the Pellone family to which Enrico belongs and from which he has learned the trade, mixing together school and wood oven since childhood.
Then, in 1999, Enrico Porzio opened in Soccavo his first take-away pizzeria, which by 2013 has turned into a 70-seat restaurant, a take-away oven just a few distances away, a branch in Warsaw and the planned expansion in Florence and Milan: all of this under the banner of the pizza of excellence.
With the same enthusiasm with which he opened his pizzeria in via Cornelia dei Gracchi in Naples, Enrico tells us about his Napoli Pizza Village.

– What specialties are you going to show on the Lungomare Caracciolo waterfront?
I will propose my Poker, a pizza with four tones of flavor: a slice of Margherita, one of sausage and rapini, a petal of stuffed pizza and one of fried pizza.
– Which tomato you will use for your pizza Poker?
The classic peeled tomato with Mount Vesuvius’ tomatoes.

– Why did you choose a so much varied pizza to represent your pizzeria at NPV?
I chose the four nuances of taste representing the most classic flavors of the Neapolitan pizza art because I like to emphasize the popular tradition of my pizzeria. But above all, Poker is a pizza that surprises for the approach to four pizza cults, joining in this way tradition and innovation, a driving philosophy that has always pushed me to search for selected ingredients.

– What do you expect from the Caputo Napoli Pizza Village 2017?
Not of making a profit from it, this is sure. Indeed, I decided to create within the event my personal “Diversely Pizza Village” and so in the first four days of the NPV I will devolve any earnings to four associations working in sustaining young disabled persons. So I hope that my Poker will sell like bread!