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La pizza napoletana in Oriente
Ciao and the Far Eastern side of the Neapolitan pizza 845 445 cmdo

Ciao and the Far Eastern side of the Neapolitan pizza

Being at the service of the artisans of 91 countries means knowing how to interpret in a thousand ways the cultural nuances of the word Naples. What does it mean, for example, to be a Neapolitan pizza maker in China? Let’s find out together with our two artisans and special envoys: Angelo Tramontano e Maurizio Iannicelli.

Pizza is definitely the world most eaten dish, but also the most imitated, not always with versions faithful to the Neapolitan original.

The dream held by the ‘Disciplinare’ – the Official Specifications of the True Neapolitan Pizza – is to bring the White Art of the Vesuvius all over the world, through the right techniques and ingredients.

And to tell the world about the specificities of the tomato of Naples is precisely the aim of Ciao’s travels.

So, on the occasion of the Caputo Cup in Nanjing and of FHC China, we unleashed two artisans wearing the chef jacket of Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli, asking them to find out the state of the art of the pizza in the Far East.

Here is the travel diary of Maurizio Iannicelli of Pizzeria Napul’è and Angelo Tramontano of ‘O Sarracino.

What they think about the pizza in China?

“The Chinese people go crazy for Italian cuisine and especially for Neapolitan pizzas!” – tells us Maurizio Iannicelli of Pizzeria Napul’è – “Chinese pizza makers give great attention to the Neapolitan technique and to the quality of Italian products e there is a lot of passion from the enthusiasts and from simple gourmands who tend to identify the pizza with the ingredients – like Ciao tomatoes – as the only dressing for a true dish.

How is the working style of the Chinese pizza makers?

“Humble, clean, educated, with so much enthusiasm and desire to learn: this is the common portrait for the many Chinese pizza chefs we met on our trip to the Far East” – explains Angelo Tramontano of Pizzeria ‘O Sarracino – ” During the master classes we held in Nanjing, we touched with hand their great passion and the desire to get in touch with the Neapolitan culture, though also the knowledge of the specifics of the ingredients of our territory, like Ciao tomatoes.

So how would you describe the state of the (white) art in the Far East?

“APN, the many producers from Campania working on spreading the Neapolitanity, and the ‘Disciplinare’ of the true pizza are doing a lot to export the Neapolitan side of the pizza” – conclude Maurizio Iannicelli and Angelo Tramontano – “Of course, there are aspects still to refine, but thanks also to the new video technologies that bring nations closer, pizza ha restarted to speak Neapolitan in so many countries all around the of the world!

LSDM e Ciao a Copenaghen
LSDM and Ciao on the road to Copenhagen 845 445 cmdo

LSDM and Ciao on the road to Copenhagen



On October 29th, Copenhagen will host the last stop of the 2018 tour organized by Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli and LSDM – the International Congress of Signature Cuisine whose aim is to bring to the world the Mediterranean cuisine between pizza and Made in Italy ingredients. Let’s find out what will happen in Denmark!

Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli will bring to Northern Europe the warmth of the pizza and the Neapolitan cuisine, and it will do this following itinerary of LSDM – the kermesse that aims to make discover the health and flavor benefits of the Mediterranean diet.
The tastings and the explicative demos will be embellished by the sweetness of the Vesuvius tomato during this Danish stop of the tour, too.

The journey

In the beginning, it was Paestum. Together with the caravan of LSDM, we left Campania to illustrate the sweetness of Ciao products through the harmonious matchings devised by chefs from all over Italy, demonstrating in the end an excellence of territory that knows no geographical boundaries.

The second stop was New York, with its dialogue between the Neapolitan pizza and American-style leavenings.

The third and last stop is the Brace Restaurant in Copenhagen (Teglgårdstræde, 8A), which on Monday 29th from 2.00 pm will host the latest Italian raid by LSDM.

The stage

But what will happen in Copenhagen?

5 laboratories will depict as many symbols of the Italian cuisine

● Prosecco DOC
● Pasta
● Extra virgin olive oil
● Coffee
● And of course the Tomato.

Representing the Italian cuisine ‘in red’ will be Nicola Fanetti, chef at Ristorante Brace, who will propose a fusion between Danish and Italian cuisine, in line with the philosophy of the owners.

The goal?

Demonstrate the great versatility of the Italian agrifood basket, with a particular attention to the judgment by foreign chefs.
What is important to emphasize is that the South Italian tomato is a product with unique organoleptic characteristics very different from products from other climates and other regions of the world: for this reason it deserves attention and protection.

New York Pizza Festival
NY Pizza Festival and Napoli Pizza Village: similarities and differences. 845 445 cmdo

NY Pizza Festival and Napoli Pizza Village: similarities and differences.

New York Pizza Festival and  Napoli Pizza Village: 2 different settings, but many points of contact. Come and discover the thread that binds Naples to the other end of the world!
2018 is a historic year for pizza lovers and for us of Ciao – Il pomodoro di Napoli! A new star was born in New York: The New York Pizza Festival, the first US event dedicated to the pizza world twinned with the Napoli Pizza Village. It will be held in the Bronx on 6th and 7th of October: practically now!
CMDO is proud to be one of the main partners of this revolutionary moment.

The identikit

But what do have in common the village on the Lungomare of Naples and that one in the Bronx?
Here is an identikit of the two events.

Let’s start from the setting.

Obviously we couldn’t move the Vesuvius to New York, but the liveliness of the culture and the large number of artists and events of the Big Apple give the city that rascal atmosphere which is somewhat similar to that of Naples!

And then there is the hospitality.

Just like the Napoli Pizza Village, access to the New York Pizza Festival is free. Everyone can come to party enjoying the spirit of the Neapolitan embrace. Just how it works in Naples: everyone can enjoy the conviviality by the sea, paying a ticket only if they want something to eat and drink.

And then there is: the art of Neapolitan pizza makers.

More than 30 master pizza chefs will perform at the wood ovens in New York. Many well-known stars of the Neapolitan landscape and of the Napoli Pizza Village as Gino Sorbillo, Roberto Caporuscio, Errico Porzio, Salvatore Vesi, the Salvo brothers, Ciro Oliva and the historical pizzerias Brandi and Trianon. Many will be also the protagonists from the American-style pizza world that will complete the overview on the most eaten dish in the world.

And to close the roundup of the twinning between Napoli and New York: the ingredients.

Key stars will be those historic products now worldwide identified with the Neapolitan pizza, like the preserves of Ciao – Il pomodoro di Napoli, by now a great protagonist of pizza records and of the most important worldwide events related to the Neapolitan way of life!
You are the only one missing! Come to taste, watch, and tell… in short, come to share the event of the year!
We are waiting for you on the 6th and 7th of October in the Bronx.

pizza e non solo
Pizza e non solo – Ciao and the triumph of pizza in Nocera Superiore 845 445 cmdo

Pizza e non solo – Ciao and the triumph of pizza in Nocera Superiore

Nocera Superiore will be for a week the capital of Neapolitan pizza. Discover the new appointment with Ciao and the Neapolitan White Art.

21 pizza makers from Caserta and Naples ready to uphold the name of the pizza, side by side with Ciao – Il Pomodoro di Napoli: these are the premises of the seventh edition of  Pizza e non solo, the summer event on the slopes of Vesuvius.

“Pizza e Non solo”…: the event

STG pizza and fried pizza will be the great protagonists of the summer in Nocera Superiore from 13th to 17th July.

Many will be the pizza stars present in the market area of the city.


The protagonists

From the world champion Teresa Iorio to the rising star of fried pizza Isabella De Cham, together with well-known and very well-known key players of the wood oven like Salvatore Lionello, Marco Quintili, Claudio Paduano and Vincenzo Rea.

Special Guest will be the master pizza chef Antonio Starita and his unique recipes.

The fun

Together with big stars of the wood oven, lots of music and entertainment and even dance for midsummer nights that promise magic.

Pizza will be protagonist also of mini educational events. Workshops for children will be real classes where to learn how to prepare the most famous dish in the world and maybe give birth future world champions for the STG category at the Naples Pizza Village.

And a contest will turn the event into a true paradise for the gluttons – the Feast of the Big Eater, a race for those who will taste faster 3 specialties of the master pizza makers on show.

In short, an event that will celebrate both the greedy and the fun-loving sides of food, with many excellences, but also a great desire for carefreeness to recover the true side of the pizza: the side that Ciao has always told!

LSDM a New York
LSDM New York and Ciao tomato: The Neapoletanity tells his story to the world 845 445 cmdo

LSDM New York and Ciao tomato: The Neapoletanity tells his story to the world

If we talk about pizza, what links Naples with New York? We can hear it from LSDM – the international congress of signed cuisine that for its 2018 edition in the United States chose an essential theme – the White Art. Undisputed protagonist of the event: the use of ingredients, and in particular of tomatoes.
Overseas countries were seen until not so long ago with a bit of suspicion by lovers of the true Neapolitan pizza.
Futuristic fusions, consistencies questionable or too different from the Neapolitan matrix, too big sizes, have made the American White Art a philosophy on its own different from the vesuvian tradition.
But the landscape today is quite different.

The scenario awaiting us in New York

The landscape is now different both for the UNESCO recognition of the art of the Neapolitan pizza makers as an humanity intangible heritage – which gives to the Neapolitan version of pizza a value with no geographical boundaries – and for the widespread dissemination of news and for the ability that modern technologies gives in bringing the Campanian know-how everywhere in the world.
The stars and stripes country recognizes and loves the Neapolitan pizza.
Telling, explaining and illustrating the culture of the ingredients behind this culture will be one of the tasks of LSDM New York 2018 and of Ciao, the great star of the event.

The kermesse.

The Pizza Time dedicated to spread the Neapolitan style in the White Art of LSDM will take place at Roberto Caporuscio’s Pizzeria Kesté.
LSDM started this year too from Paestum for its travel around the world talking about gastronomy, ingredients and Mediterranean diet.
Dough lessons
Analysis of the new trends in the pizza phenomenon (such as the great attention to fried pizza, raft version)
Dialogue between pizza makers of different nationalities through the experiences of Enzo Coccia, Carlo Sammarco, Giorgia Caporuscio, Tony Gemignani and Anthoni Mangieri.
And a focus on ingredients and in particular on seasonings: the big difference between the American and Neapolitan schools.

The tomato

All the seminars, debates and recipes will have a single protagonist that is appreciated all over the world: Ciao tomato, especially in the San Marzano DOP version.
Ciao exports its products to more than 90 countries and is also appreciated as a flagship product in the United States.
To participate in the event, just send an email to

campione del mondo della Pizza Stg 2018
The world champion for the STG Pizza and the recipe for a perfect Margherita 845 445 cmdo

The world champion for the STG Pizza and the recipe for a perfect Margherita

What turns a Pizza Margherita into a pizza worthy of the podium of the Caputo Trophy? Antonio Mezzero, the world champion for the STG pizza, tell it us.
The Neapolitan pizza found its new ambassador.

His name is Antonio Mezzero and he is the winner of the 17th World Pizza maker Championship.
STG pizza is the one that follows the official specifications of the true Neapolitan pizza: a set of ten rules that guarantees worldwide that the product baked in the oven is the same as that eaten in Naples.

Precisely for this reason, the podium for the STG pizza is the most coveted by APN’s pizza makers who take part in the Caputo Trophy and is the one that designates the pizza world champion for a year!
The official specifications for the STG pizza have also precise rules that define the right ingredients to use for a true Neapolitan pizza.

In the codified recipe of Neapolitan pizza, the long tomato of Ciao’s peeled tomatoes is the master. It is no coincidence that Ciao is the official tomato of the seventeenth edition of the World Pizza Maker Championship.
The 2018 edition of the Caputo Trophy has seen as is triumpher Antonio Mezzero, 35 years old, a Neapolitan, but living in Portugal.
We asked him how to make a world champion pizza!

Here are his secrets.


What are the most important ingredients for making a successful pizza?

The recipe for a pizza at the top sees the passion in pole position. Then there are the doughs. But among the toppings, the king of taste remains the tomato! For the Portuguese people, even mozzarella comes second. The tomato is the heart of the final judgment of a dish.

What does the Portuguese tomato taste like?

Portugal enjoys high quality products, perhaps not much publicized, but a Neapolitan pizza requires the Italian tomato. Italian vegetables have a completely different flavor!

How should be the right tomato for the STG pizza?

The right product is the one that can be used in purity without adding anything: not even salt. It should not be too sweet or too sour, and should be broken with your hands. In short, the right tomato is the one that gives back the flavor of the field!

Ciao wishes so much success to the new pizza ambassador in the world and is proud to have contributed to enhance the art of the first World Champion of an Unesco Heritage!

Ciao at Gulfood 2018 845 445 cmdo

Ciao at Gulfood 2018

All sold out at the Dubai Trade Center for one of the most important events in the international food world: Gulfood. From February 18th to 22nd, Ciao will take part to this trade show with its stand dedicated to pizza fans and pizza gluttons. Come to discover the goodness of our products at Pavilion Hall1: Booth B1 -34.

This time we leave bound to Dubai!

Ciao will be part of the great Italian team that will tell the Middle East, and beyond, what truly means “to make a Neapolitan pizza”.

Pizza demonstrations, tastings of date tomatoes from Vesuvius and many curiosities about that a unique product that is the Campanian peeled tomato.
The event is, after all, a formidable stage for Italian food, much appreciated in Dubai – the United Arab Emirates is a country that truly loves and appreciate well-being and pleasures of life, boasting even a Ministry for Happiness!

All sold out!

The event at the Dubai Trade Center has already since long registered this year the sold out in terms of bookings, reflecting how much attention the international food of excellence attracts in the Middle East.
The 2018 edition will then be a really important stage for the Campanian tomatoes, the biggest ever.

Here are some numbers to better appreciate the event:

  • 120 pavilions
    97,000 participants
    185 countries

Once again, we of CMDO and Ciao will focus on telling the specifics of a product, the peeled tomato, that many try to imitate, but with little success.

Do you want to taste the pizzas made by our professionals of the White Art and find out what makes unique Ciao’s products?


Just fly to the Dubai Trade Centre


Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages to live with us the most beautiful emotions of this event.
Have a good trip and enjoy your meal!

ciao e #pizzaunesco
Ciao and #pizzaunesco: on the square in support of the Art of the Neapolitan pizza makers 1024 576 cmdo

Ciao and #pizzaunesco: on the square in support of the Art of the Neapolitan pizza makers

The art of Neapolitan pizza makers is now an Intangible Heritage of Humanity, pride of the Neapolitans and of the whole of Italy. But the battle does not end with this recognition. This is the warning launched during the celebrative event that took place in Piazza del Gesù in Naples. Let’s find out why.

December 14th is a date that Naples and the world of pizza will remember for long: the presentation to the city of the Art of Neapolitan pizza makers as a UNESCO heritage.

To celebrate this important recognition, a big party has been held under the banner of the conviviality, a key feature of the world of pizza and pizza makers. Piazza Del Gesù, in the heart of the old town of Naples, was the obvious stage for this celebration.

Many were the guests on the square.

At the forefront, the pizza makers of the APN, who handed out 5000 pizzas to tourists, Neapolitans and enthusiasts.

And then, of course, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, Pesident of the Univerde Foundation, that from the Napoli Pizza Village 2010 launched the petition campaign to ask UNESCO the recognition.

“The status of Intangible Heritage of Humanity – tells Pecoraro Scanio on the stage in Piazza Del Gesù – has been given to the Art of Neapolitan pizza makers, not to pizza, and this is not coincidence! One of the reasons why the battle lasted so long is precisely this distinction. Neapolitan pizza is unique and has nothing in common with the industrial one!”

The same idea was shared by Gimmy Ghione, the famous journalist of the TV show ‘Striscia la Notizia’, renowned for his battle against the counterfeit products, a plague present even in the Made in Italy gastronomic field.

“Neapolitan pizza – says Ghione to the microphones of the event organized by the #pizzaunesco movement – is codified by precise rules and made with specific ingredients. All strictly Made in Italy.”

And now?

The battle goes on because, as confirmed by Luigi Petrillo, councilor of the Ministry of Agricultural Policies, the status of Intangible Heritage of Humanity is not something that you win once and for all.

“The UNESCO commission – explains Petrillo – meets every two years to decide on the fate of the titles assigned. A production that does not conform to the standards required by the specifications, or the choice of improper ingredients, could led to loosing this important recognition!”

That’s why we of Ciao feel proud of our products in line with the specifications of the true Neapolitan pizza. Allowing our artisans to express themselves at their best through the excellence of our ingredients is a responsibility that we carry out with plenty of passion!

European Pizza & Pasta Show
European Pizza & Pasta Show: The Neapolitan style of Ciao triumphs in London 845 445 cmdo

European Pizza & Pasta Show: The Neapolitan style of Ciao triumphs in London

A new journey begins to bring the true tradition of the tomatoes from Campania region to the world. This time we will be in London, where on the 15th and 16th of November we will take part in the European Pizza & Pasta Show. Let’s discover together the beauty of this new appointment for the Made in Italy. To know the news of Ciao’s world, just come to visit us at Stand 56.

The Italian style is a must in London, as you can see by looking at the reviews of the Italian restaurants on Trip Advisor, the attention given by the major international brands to the small traditional Italian realities and the opening of so many pizzerias and places where to eat Italian in the capital city of the United Kingdom.

This is why it is important to emphasize that dishes of tradition such as the Neapolitan pizza can be called as such only if they conform to their territorial technical specifications, that is if they are prepared with traditional ingredients, such as the tomatoes from the Agro Nocerino Sarnese area.

So the real meaning of our trip to London is precisely to show the difference between the tomatoes from Mount Vesuvius and all the other tomatoes.

EPPS is the right place to do it.

But what is the European Pizza & Pasta Show?

The European Pizza & Pasta Show is a great event, but also the right place where to build networking relationships with all the players of the world of the Italian food par excellence: pizza and pasta.

Manufacturers and distributors, but also craftsmen, restaurateurs, and service and equipment providers. The whole world of Italian and European food service will converge for 2 days at Olympia London to share information about the key points of the Italian gastronomic style and industry news.

The event will also host the final stage of the European Pizza Championship… a contest in which that of the Neapolitan tomato par excellence is a certain presence!

And then debates and seminars dedicated to food law, the importance of the brand, licensing and franchising.

Do you want to be part of our team?

Follow us on our Facebook fan page to find out more or visit us to discover the latest news of Ciao’s world at Stand 56.

Campionato Nazionale Pizza Doc 2017
Ciao at the Pizza DOC National Championship 845 445 cmdo

Ciao at the Pizza DOC National Championship

Ciao tomatoes are again protagonists of an event dedicated to the excellence of the Neapolitan White Art. The fourth edition of the Pizza DOC National Championship will be held on the 23rd and 24th of October in the heart of the Agro Nocerino Sarnese area.  So many are the surprises held in store. Let’s find them out together.
After the Napoli Pizza Village and the start of the international tour of the Caputo Cup 2018 – which took place a few days ago in Atlantic City – Ciao is ready to cut another starting ribbon: that of the Fourth Pizza DOC National Championship.

The new challenge

The new challenge between pizza makers hunting for the excellence in the Neapolitan-style White Art will be held in Valentino Torio, just right in the heart of the Agro Nocerino Sarnese area.
More than 300 competitors are expected at the foot of Mount Vesuvius to take part in a contest that looks set to be really fierce.
The two-day event will have many exceptional guests chosen among the pizza world protagonists. Professionals from historic Neapolitan pizzerias such as Antonio Starita and Alessandro Condurro (of Pizzeria Da Michele), winners of the Caputo Trophy as Teresa Iorio, and many master pizza makers from Sergio Miccu’s APN will fully show their gastronomic performances.

And here are the novelties of this 4th edition.

First of all, the place of origin of the pizza makers. This year, the competitors of the contest will come to San Valentino Torio not only from Italy, but also from the United States and Poland.
Then the hidden jury. Given the parterre of expected professionals, to avoid any suspicion of favoritism the votes will be given by incognito jurors who will evaluate the recipes according to 3 key parameters: taste, presentation and cooking.
And finally, the number of contest categories, that this year will be 12:
Margherita DOC
Classic Pizza – the specialty pizza presented by each competitor through which we will evaluate the innovation in the dough and in the ingredients, a pizza made with the typical products available at a certain time of the year;
Pizza ‘in pala’
Gluten free 
Largest pizza 
Free style 
Fried pizza;
‘Youth’ (14-20 year old)
Category ‘Associations’;
Pizza by “TWO”.

Medals and supplies of typical products are ready to be won by the competing pizza makers.

This year, too, a special mention will be given through a Ciao Prize, which will evaluate the bond between the presentations and their territory.
Good luck to all the participants!